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Artist Precedent / Tally

Precedent: Tally Tally is a information technology tool which uses data analysis to inform architects of the environmental impacts of...

Unity VR Game

For this experiment i created a space which addressed issues of Deforestation and Paper waste. The game will enhance the acknowledgement...

Interacting with CAD models on VR

To explore how we might integrate the narrative of materials in a architectural model I stripped one of my old models down to explore the...


Title Personify; embodiment and presence in virtual spaces 20 words Exploring how virtual spaces utilise illusion and presence to extend...

Leap Motion Controllers

The Leap motion controllers detect your hands movement and renders them in virtual environments. I am going to use these controllers as...

Progression on Unity Build

Evoking empathy through change of state of the environment Detailing terrain: Animating Trees:

Initial Build in Unity

To create the space I had to initially look at the terrain of the environment that I would be creating. I decided to choose a hilly...

Spatial Intervention

Putting my research to use: Informs My Intention: Initial Sketches: - Concept 1 / Collecting waste from ocean. - Concept 2 / Collecting...

Response to Interim Feedback

It has been clear to me that the research position is unlocated to a group of works that have surrounded their work around this topic of...

Interaction with Pixels

In response to my discussion with henessey I decided to look into how we might interact with life sized pixels. I am aware that 'life...

Classroom Discussion / Week 8

In class we were discussing in partners our project title and how it portrays our context/issue/site and spatial design agenda. My...

The Role Of Interaction in Virtual Embodiment

The Role of Interaction in Virtual Embodiment: Effects of the Virtual Hand Representation. In this report a few experimentations were...

Performance and Technology

Performance and Technology: Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity. - Sbroah hurst Introduction: Body, Space and Technology....

Video games as Virtual Teachers

Video games as virtual Teachers: Prosocial Video Game Use By Children and Adolescents from Different Socioeconomic Groups is Associated...

Exploring Deforestation / 360 videography

In worser bay there is a piece of land which has been deforested. I went to this space to explore the spatial qualities of the space and...

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