Performance and Technology: Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity. - Sbroah hurst
Introduction: Body, Space and Technology.
This book explores the relationship between technology, art and performance. Technology being the medium to fuse arts together and create a corporeal experience.
The reading starts off by quoting the deleuze where he said “we don’t know what the body can do” .. “this declaration of ignorance is a provocation”
This starts off a discussion about the way the body is prescribed to move through space only through the human experience that we encounter. She explains her interpretation of the body and that she, influenced by Deleuxes statement, that she does not understand the way some performance artists explain terms relationally to the body. She explains that the more understood definition of ‘the body’ is that it doesn’t not relate in many ways over cross-disciplinary studies.
For example in the practice of philosophy a great amount of work is produced in writing whereas performance artist and theorists are more productive in physical spaces (outside of writing)
In the writing it is explainsed that though performance, time can be manipulated but the perception of this time is always variant. It could be time sensed, time intuited or times recalled. This collection of time is therefore linked to the performance but not unhinged by the connection of time to movement which Deleuze explains is the more current way of interpreting time passed whether conscious of it or not.
In relation to VR here, it is common that you are in a space which does not move (google earth), you can hear movement but the actual gestures of movement are not existent.
Does this mean in this instance that time IS being unhinged from your perception.
If the body experiences this manifestation of time then the link between the body and the mind is inherently interconnected.
The text explains the limiting phrase ‘the body’ to explain the idea of a shell formed around the mind and the soul. She explains that this term is often misconstruding the potential unfolds an understanding which lacks the ability to be understood.
Performance and Technology, 2018.