I want to create a more clear narrative to the environment and material change so I have decided to clear the space and create blank canvas for people in the experience to change the materiality of the things around them.
This research lead me to Martino Gamper's 100 Chairs in 100 Days exhibition.
"The project combined formal and functional questions with sociological and semiological ones. Or, as Gamper put it: ‘What happens to the status and potential of a plastic garden chair when it is upholstered with luxurious yellow suede?’ The project was all about being creative, but within restrictions—being limited to materials at hand and the time available, with the requirement that each new chair be unique. Gamper's ‘three-dimensional sketchbook’ brought him international recognition. The project was exhibited in London in 2007, at the Milan Triennale in 2009, and at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, in 2010." - http://martinogamper.com/project/a-100-chairs-in-a-100-days/
The exhibition was also displaying in 2017 in Wellingtons City Gallery which I was lucky enough to attend in class.
I like that the space calls for attention to the chairs and emphasises the relationship between the viewer and the various materials and forms of the chairs.
Environment design:
I have decided to separate the furniture so that the attention is bought to the materials on the chair rather than how the materials of each work together to define the space.
using the leap motion controllers I will work with the interaction between the table and the user (controller)